Source code for mw_plot.mw_plot_matplotlib

import os
import warnings
from astropy.coordinates.calculation import HumanError
import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as apycoords

import pylab as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from mw_plot.mw_plot_masters import MWPlotMaster, MWSkyMapMaster, rgb2gray

__all__ = ["MWPlot", "MWSkyMap"]

[docs] class MWPlot(MWPlotMaster): """ MWPlot class plotting with Matplotlib :param mode: whether plot edge-on or face-on milkyway :type mode: str, either 'face-on' or 'edge-on' :param center: Coordinates of the center of the plot with astropy units :type center: astropy.Quantity :param radius: Radius of the plot with astropy units :type radius: astropy.Quantity :param unit: astropy units :type unit: astropy.Quantity :param coord: 'galactocentric' or 'galactic' :type coord: str :param annotation: whether use a milkyway background with annotation :type annotation: bool :param rot90: number of 90 degree rotation :type rot90: int :param grayscale: whether to use grayscale background :type grayscale: bool :param r0: distance to galactic center in kpc :type r0: float :param figsize: Matplotlib figure size :type figsize: turple :param dpi: Matplotlib figure dpi :type dpi: int """ def __init__( self, mode="face-on", center=(0, 0) * u.kpc, radius=90750 * u.lyr, unit=u.kpc, coord="galactic", annotation=True, rot90=0, grayscale=False, r0=8.125, figsize=(7.5, 7.5), dpi=None, ): super().__init__( grayscale=grayscale, annotation=annotation, rot90=rot90, coord=coord, mode=mode, r0=r0, center=center, radius=radius, unit=unit, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, ) self.fontsize = 20 self.s = 20 self.cmap = "viridis" self.imalpha = 1.0 self.facecolor = "k" if not grayscale else "w" self.tight_layout = True self._unit_english = None self._coord_english = None self._aspect = None self.fig = None = None self.title = None self.cbar_flag = False self.clim = None # prepossessing procedure self._unit_english = self._unit.short_names[0] if self._center.unit is not None and self._radius.unit is not None: self._center = self._radius = self.images_read()
[docs] def transform(self, x): """ Transform matplotlib figure or a single axes """ if isinstance(x, Figure): if len(x.axes) > 1: warnings.warn( "More than 1 axes in the figure, mw-plot will populate to all axes" ) fig = x ax = fig.axes elif isinstance(x, Axes): fig = x.figure ax = [x] elif (isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray)) and isinstance( x[0], Axes ): fig = x[0].figure ax = x else: raise TypeError( f"Your input type {type(x)} is unsupported, can only be matplotlib figure or axes" ) for _ax in ax: self.initialize_mwplot(fig, _ax, _multi=True)
def plot(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs): x, y = self.xy_unit_check(x, y) self.initialize_mwplot(), y, zorder=3, *args, **kwargs) # just want to set the location right, we dont need image again self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=0.0, rasterized=True ) if kwargs.get("label") is not None:"best", fontsize=self.fontsize) def scatter(self, x, y, c="r", *args, **kwargs): x, y = self.xy_unit_check(x, y) self.initialize_mwplot() if kwargs.get("s") is None: kwargs["s"] = self.s, y, c=c, rasterized=True, *args, **kwargs) # just want to set the location right, we dont need image again self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=0.0, rasterized=True ) if kwargs.get("label") is not None:"best", fontsize=self.fontsize, markerscale=kwargs["s"]) def hist2d(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs): x, y = self.xy_unit_check(x, y) self.initialize_mwplot() if kwargs.get("cmap") is None: kwargs["cmap"] = self.cmap kwargs["cmap"] = self.transparent_cmap(kwargs["cmap"]) if kwargs.get("range") is None: kwargs["range"] = np.array( [[self._ext[0], self._ext[1]], [self._ext[2], self._ext[3]]] ), y, zorder=3, *args, **kwargs) # just want to set the location right, we dont need image again self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=0.0, rasterized=True ) if kwargs.get("label") is not None:"best", fontsize=self.fontsize) def show(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.fig is None: raise AttributeError("Nothing to show, please plot some data first") else: if self.tight_layout is True: self.fig.tight_layout()*args, **kwargs) def savefig(self, file="MWPlot.png", dpi="figure", **kwargs): if self.tight_layout is True: self.fig.tight_layout() # this is a pylab method self.fig.savefig(file, dpi=dpi, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def transparent_cmap(cmap, N=255): """ Copy colormap and set alpha values :param cmap: Color map to covert to transparent color map :type cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap, str] :param N: Color map to covert to transparent color map :type N: int :return: Transparent color map :rtype cmap: matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap """ if type(cmap) == str: mycmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) else: mycmap = cmap mycmap._init() mycmap._lut[0, -1] = 0 return mycmap
[docs] def initialize_mwplot(self, fig=None, ax=None, _multi=False): """ Internal method to initial mw_plot images and plot :return: None """ if not self._initialized or _multi: if self.fig is None and fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=self.figsize, dpi=self.dpi) elif fig is not None: pass else: raise HumanError("Something is wrong duh") if self.title is not None: ax.set_title(self.title, fontsize=self.fontsize) ax.set_xlabel( f"{self._coord_english} ({self._unit_english})", fontsize=self.fontsize ) ax.set_ylabel( f"{self._coord_english} ({self._unit_english})", fontsize=self.fontsize ) ax.set_aspect(self._aspect) ax.set_facecolor( self.facecolor ) # have a black color background for image with <1.0 alpha if not self._grayscale: ax.imshow( self._img, extent=self._ext, zorder=0, alpha=self.imalpha, rasterized=True, ) else: ax.imshow( self._img[:, :, 0], extent=self._ext, zorder=0, alpha=self.imalpha, rasterized=True, cmap="gray", ) ax.tick_params( labelsize=self.fontsize * 0.8, width=self.fontsize / 10, length=self.fontsize / 2, ) self.fig, = fig, ax self._initialized = True
[docs] def mw_scatter(self, x, y, c="r", **kwargs): """ Plot scatter points with colorbar :param x: Scatter points x-coordinates on the plot :type x: astropy.Quantity :param y: Scatter points y-coordinates on the plot :type y: astropy.Quantity :param c: Scatter points color :type c: Union[str, list, ndarry] :History: 2018-Mar-17 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ x, y = self.xy_unit_check(x, y) self.initialize_mwplot() # decide whether we need colorbar or not if isinstance(c, list): if hasattr(c[0], "__len__"): color = c[0] cbar_label = c[1] self.cbar_flag = True if type(color) == u.quantity.Quantity: color = else: color = c else: color = c if kwargs.get("s") is None: kwargs["s"] = self.s mappable = x, y, zorder=3, c=color, cmap=plt.get_cmap(self.cmap) if self.cbar_flag else None, rasterized=True, **kwargs, ) self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=0.0, rasterized=True ) if self.cbar_flag is True: divider = make_axes_locatable( cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar = self.fig.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax) labelsize=self.fontsize * 0.8, width=self.fontsize / 10, length=self.fontsize / 2, ) cbar.set_label(f"{cbar_label}", size=self.fontsize) if self.clim is not None: cbar.set_clim(self.clim)
[docs] def mw_density(self, x, y, c, **kwargs): """ Plot desnity with colorbar :param x: Scatter points x-coordinates on the plot :type x: astropy.Quantity :param y: Scatter points y-coordinates on the plot :type y: astropy.Quantity :param c: Scatter points color :type c: Union[str, list, ndarry] :param title: Plot title :type title: str :History: 2018-Mar-17 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ x, y = self.xy_unit_check(x, y) self.initialize_mwplot() if not type(x) == u.quantity.Quantity or not type(y) == u.quantity.Quantity: raise TypeError("Both x and y must carry astropy's unit") else: if x.unit is not None and y.unit is not None: x = y = else: raise TypeError( "Both x, y, center and radius must carry astropy's unit" ) # decide whether we need colorbar or not if isinstance(c, list): color = c[0] cbar_label = c[1] self.cbar_flag = True if type(color) == u.quantity.Quantity: color = else: color = c heatmap, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( x.value, y.value, bins=250, range=[self._ext[:2], [self._ext[3], self._ext[2]]], ) mappable = heatmap.T, extent=self._ext, cmap=self.transparent_cmap(plt.get_cmap("Reds")), rasterized=True, ) self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=0.0, rasterized=True ) if self.cbar_flag is True: divider = make_axes_locatable( cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar = self.fig.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax) labelsize=self.fontsize * 0.8, width=self.fontsize / 10, length=self.fontsize / 2, ) cbar.set_label(f"{cbar_label}", size=self.fontsize) if self.clim is not None: cbar.set_clim(self.clim)
[docs] def scatter_annotate( self, text, position, arrowprops=dict(facecolor="black", width=1.0, headwidth=6.0, headlength=6.0), fontsize=15, bbox=dict(pad=2), **kwargs, ): """ Plot annotation with scatter :History: 2022-Jan-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ if isinstance(position, apycoords.SkyCoord): position = self.skycoord_xy(position) position_wo_unit = self.xy_unit_check(position[0], position[1]) position_text = np.add(position_wo_unit, 1.5) if isinstance(text, list): for t, p, pou, pt in zip(text, position, position_wo_unit, position_text): self.scatter(p[0], p[1]) t, xy=pou, xytext=pt, arrowprops=arrowprops, fontsize=fontsize, bbox=bbox, **kwargs, ) else: self.scatter(position[0], position[1]) text, xy=position_wo_unit, xytext=position_text, arrowprops=arrowprops, fontsize=fontsize, bbox=bbox, **kwargs, )
[docs] def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot annotation :History: 2022-Jan-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class MWSkyMap(MWSkyMapMaster): """ MWSkyMap class plotting with Matplotlib :param projection: projection system of the plot :type projection: string(["equirectangular", "aitoff", "hammer", "lambert", "mollweide"]) :param center: Coordinates of the center of the plot with astropy degree/radian units :type center: astropy.Quantity :param radius: Radius of the plot with astropy degree/radian units :type radius: astropy.Quantity :param grayscale: whether to use grayscale background :type grayscale: bool :param grid: whether to show galactic grid :type grid: bool :param radecgrid: whether to show ra & dec grid :type radecgrid: bool :param eclgrid: whether to show ecliptic grid :type eclgrid: bool :param figsize: Matplotlib figure size :type figsize: turple :param dpi: Matplotlib figure dpi :type dpi: int """ def __init__( self, projection="equirectangular", center=(0, 0) * u.deg, radius=(180, 90) * u.deg, grayscale=False, grid=False, radecgrid=False, eclgrid=False, figsize=(10, 6.5), dpi=None, ): super().__init__( grayscale=grayscale, projection=projection, center=center, radius=radius, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, grid=grid, ) self._unit = self.fontsize = 20 self.s = 20.0 self.cmap = "viridis" self.imalpha = 1.0 self.tight_layout = True self.radecgrid = radecgrid self.eclgrid = eclgrid self.fig = None = None self.title = None self.cbar_flag = False self.clim = None self.facecolor = "k" if not grayscale else "w" # preprocessing if ( self._projection != "equirectangular" ): # other projections do not support zoom in if not np.all(self._center == (0, 0) * u.deg) or not np.all( self._radius == (180, 90) * u.deg ): print( "Projections other than equirectangular does not support custom center and radius, using default!" ) self._center = (0, 0) * u.deg self._radius = (180, 90) * u.deg else: if self._center.unit is not None and self._radius.unit is not None: self._center = self._radius = if (self._center[0] + self._radius[0]).value > 180 or ( self._center[0] - self._radius[0] ).value < -180: raise ValueError( "The border of the width will be outside the range of -180 to 180 which is not allowed\n" ) if (self._center[1] + self._radius[1]).value > 90 or ( self._center[1] - self._radius[1] ).value < -90: raise ValueError( "The border of the height will be outside the range of -90 to 90 which is not allowed" ) if self._radius[0] <= 0 or self._radius[0] <= 0: raise ValueError("Radius cannot be negative or 0") self.images_read()
[docs] def transform(self, x): """ Transform matplotlib figure or a single axes """ if self._projection == "equirectangular": projection_name = "rectilinear" else: projection_name = self._projection if projection_name != raise TypeError( f"You can not transform a figure with different projection, you want to transform to '{projection_name}' but your figure is '{}'" ) if isinstance(x, Figure): if len(x.axes) > 1: warnings.warn( "More than 1 axes in the figure, mw-plot will populate to all axes" ) fig = x ax = fig.axes elif isinstance(x, Axes): fig = x.figure ax = [x] elif (isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, np.ndarray)) and isinstance( x[0], Axes ): fig = x[0].figure ax = x else: raise TypeError( f"Your input type {type(x)} is unsupported, can only be matplotlib figure or axes" ) for _ax in ax: self.initialize_mwplot(fig, _ax, _multi=True)
[docs] def initialize_mwplot(self, fig=None, ax=None, _multi=False): """ Initial mw_plot images and plot :return: None """ if self._projection == "equirectangular": self._fake_rad2deg = np.rad2deg else: self._fake_rad2deg = lambda x: x if not self._initialized or _multi: if self._projection == "equirectangular": if self.fig is None and fig is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=self.figsize, dpi=self.dpi) elif fig is not None: pass else: raise HumanError("Something is wrong duh") ax.set_xlabel("Galactic Longitude (Degree)", fontsize=self.fontsize) ax.set_ylabel("Galactic Latitude (Degree)", fontsize=self.fontsize) self._ext = [ (self._center[0] - self._radius[0]).value, (self._center[0] + self._radius[0]).value, (self._center[1] - self._radius[1]).value, (self._center[1] + self._radius[1]).value, ] ax.imshow( self._img, zorder=2, extent=self._ext, alpha=self.imalpha, rasterized=True, ) else: # those cases if there is non-trivial projection if self.fig is None and fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize, dpi=self.dpi) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=self._projection) elif fig is not None: pass else: raise HumanError("Something is wrong duh") # coordinates lon = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 6500 + 1) lat = np.linspace(np.pi / 2.0, -np.pi / 2.0, 3250 + 1) Lon, Lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) if self._grayscale: im = ax.pcolormesh( Lon, Lat,, [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]), zorder=2, cmap="gray", alpha=self.imalpha, rasterized=True, ) else: im = ax.pcolormesh( Lon, Lat, self._img, zorder=2, alpha=self.imalpha, rasterized=True, ) ax.set_facecolor( self.facecolor ) # have a black color background for image with <1.0 alpha ax.tick_params( labelsize=self.fontsize * 0.8, width=self.fontsize / 10, length=self.fontsize / 2, ) if self.title is not None: ax.set_title(self.title, fontsize=self.fontsize, y=1.05) self.fig, = fig, ax grad_alpha = 0.5 grid_width = 1.0 grid_style = "--" self._initialized = True if self.grid is True: for i in [0, -15, 15, -30, 30, -45, 45, -60, 60, -75, 75]: self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad([-180, 180])), self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad([i, i])), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) for i in [-150, -120, -90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150]: self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad([i, i])), self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad([-75, 75])), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) else: # disable ticks if not galactic grid[]) epoch = "J2000" def radec_to_lb(ra, dec, degree=False): if degree is True: unit = u.deg else: unit = u.rad c = apycoords.SkyCoord(ra * unit, dec * unit, equinox=epoch, frame="icrs") c = c.transform_to(apycoords.Galactic) return, if self.radecgrid is True: for i in [-75, -60, -45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75]: ras = np.linspace(0, 360, 360) des = np.linspace(i, i, 360) l, b = radec_to_lb(ras, des, degree=True) l = -(l + 180) % (2 * 180) - 180 if np.max(np.diff(l)) > 100.0: idx = np.argmax(np.diff(l)) + 1 l = np.concatenate([l[idx:], l[:idx]]) b = np.concatenate([b[idx:], b[:idx]]) self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad(l)), self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad(b)), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) for i in [30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330]: ras = np.linspace(i, i, 360) des = np.linspace(-75, 75, 360) l, b = radec_to_lb(ras, des, degree=True) l = -(l + 180) % (2 * 180) - 180 if np.max(np.diff(l)) > 0.25: idx = np.argmax(np.diff(l)) idx = np.argmax(l) + 1 l = np.concatenate([l[idx:], l[:idx]]) b = np.concatenate([b[idx:], b[:idx]]) idx_break = np.argmax(np.diff(l)) self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad(l[:idx_break])), self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad(b[:idx_break])), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad(l[idx_break + 1 :])), self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad(b[idx_break + 1 :])), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) else: self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad(l)), self._fake_rad2deg(np.deg2rad(b)), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) if self.eclgrid is True: def ecl_to_lb(elon, elat): """ elon and elat in radian """ e = 23.43928083333333 / 180 * np.pi atan_top = np.sin(elon) * np.cos(e) - np.tan(elat) * np.sin(e) atan_bottom = np.cos(elon) ra = np.arctan(atan_top / atan_bottom) dec = np.arcsin( np.sin(elat) * np.cos(e) + np.cos(elat) * np.sin(e) * np.sin(elon) ) case_1_idx = (atan_top > 0) & (atan_bottom < 0) case_2_idx = (atan_top < 0) & (atan_bottom > 0) case_3_idx = (atan_top < 0) & (atan_bottom < 0) ra[case_1_idx] += np.pi ra[case_2_idx] += 2 * np.pi ra[case_3_idx] += 3 * np.pi l, b = radec_to_lb(ra, dec) l = -(l + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi return l, b for i in [-75, -60, -45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75]: elon = np.linspace(0, 360, 360) elat = np.linspace(i, i, 360) l, b = ecl_to_lb(np.deg2rad(elon), np.deg2rad(elat)) if np.max(np.diff(l)) > 2.0: idx = np.argmax(np.diff(l)) + 1 l = np.concatenate([l[idx:], l[:idx]]) b = np.concatenate([b[idx:], b[:idx]]) self._fake_rad2deg(l), self._fake_rad2deg(b), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) for i in [30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330]: elon = np.linspace(i, i, 360) elat = np.linspace(-75, 75, 360) l, b = ecl_to_lb(np.deg2rad(elon), np.deg2rad(elat)) if np.max(np.diff(l)) > 0.004: idx = np.argmax(np.diff(l)) idx = np.argmax(l) + 1 l = np.concatenate([l[idx:], l[:idx]]) b = np.concatenate([b[idx:], b[:idx]]) idx_break = np.argmax(np.diff(l)) self._fake_rad2deg(l[:idx_break]), self._fake_rad2deg(b[:idx_break]), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) self._fake_rad2deg(l[idx_break + 1 :]), self._fake_rad2deg(b[idx_break + 1 :]), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, ) else: self._fake_rad2deg(l), self._fake_rad2deg(b), c=self._opposite_color, lw=grid_width, ls=grid_style, zorder=3, alpha=grad_alpha, )
def show(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.fig is None: raise AttributeError("Nothing to show, please plot some data first") else: if self.tight_layout is True: self.fig.tight_layout()*args, **kwargs) def savefig(self, file="MWSkyMap.png", dpi="figure", **kwargs): if self.tight_layout is True: self.fig.tight_layout() # this is a pylab method self.fig.savefig(file, dpi=dpi, **kwargs)
[docs] def mw_scatter(self, ra, dec, c="r", **kwargs): """ Plot scatter points with colorbar :param ra: Scatter points x-coordinates on the plot :type ra: astropy.Quantity :param dec: Scatter points y-coordinates on the plot :type dec: astropy.Quantity :param c: Scatter points color :type c: Union[str, list, ndarry] :History: 2018-Mar-17 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ ra, dec = self.radec_unit_check(ra, dec) self.initialize_mwplot() # decide whether we need colorbar or not if isinstance(c, list): if hasattr(c[0], "__len__"): color = c[0] cbar_label = c[1] self.cbar_flag = True if type(color) == u.quantity.Quantity: color = else: color = c else: color = c mappable = ra, dec, zorder=3, s=self.s, c=color, cmap=plt.get_cmap(self.cmap) if self.cbar_flag else None, rasterized=True, **kwargs, ) if self._projection == "equirectangular": self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=0.0, rasterized=True ) else: self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=self.imalpha, rasterized=True,,, ) if self.cbar_flag is True: divider = make_axes_locatable( cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) if self._projection == "equirectangular": cbar = self.fig.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax) else: cbar = self.fig.colorbar(mappable, labelsize=self.fontsize * 0.8, width=self.fontsize / 10, length=self.fontsize / 2, ) cbar.set_label(f"{cbar_label}", size=self.fontsize) if self.clim is not None: cbar.set_clim(self.clim)
def scatter(self, ra, dec, c="r", *args, **kwargs): ra, dec = self.radec_unit_check(ra, dec) self.initialize_mwplot() if kwargs.get("s") is None: kwargs["s"] = self.s, dec, c=c, zorder=3, rasterized=True, *args, **kwargs) # just want to set the location right, we dont need image again if self._projection == "equirectangular": self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=0.0, rasterized=True ) else: self._img, zorder=0, extent=self._ext, alpha=self.imalpha, rasterized=True,,, ) if kwargs.get("label") is not None:"best", fontsize=self.fontsize, markerscale=kwargs["s"])
[docs] def scatter_annotate( self, text, position, arrowprops=dict(facecolor="black", width=1.0, headwidth=6.0, headlength=6.0), fontsize=15, bbox=dict(pad=2), **kwargs, ): """ Plot annotation with scatter :History: 2022-Jan-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ if isinstance(position, apycoords.SkyCoord): position = self.skycoord_radec(position) position_wo_unit = self.xy_unit_check(position[0], position[1], checkrot=False) position_text = np.add(position_wo_unit, 10) if isinstance(text, list): for t, p, pou, pt in zip(text, position, position_wo_unit, position_text): self.scatter(p[0], p[1]) t, xy=pou, xytext=pt, arrowprops=arrowprops, fontsize=fontsize, bbox=bbox, **kwargs, ) else: self.scatter(position[0], position[1]) text, xy=position_wo_unit, xytext=position_text, arrowprops=arrowprops, fontsize=fontsize, bbox=bbox, **kwargs, )
[docs] def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot annotation :History: 2022-Jan-02 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ return*args, **kwargs)